Yeah baby, yeah!

-Austin Powers

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Suzanne and Mike Meyers became friends after they had met at the Oscars in the mid-90s. They shared a love for game night, playing Mahjong, Poker, and many more.

Meyers started shopping the Austin Powers spec script around town with little success before he approached Suzanne. Suzanne loved the script and she too was met with the skepticism from studios execs who passed on the project. Universal, where Suzanne had a first-look deal at the time, said, "Oh, it's a waste of time to make Austin Powers because (actor) Leslie Nielsen has already started this franchise, and you've missed the boat." Suzanne persisted and found an advocate at New Line who eventually green-lit the film. She convinced them to hire her fellow USC alumnus, Jay Roach, based on a short film they did together in film school. The 10-minute student film wasn't even a comedy and goes to show Suzanne's faith in Jay's ability to bring Austin Powers to life.

Box Office: $67 Million